With foggy-breath blowing mornings becoming a reality, we can officially say goodbye to our beautiful Summer.
I am all for the heat and sun but there is something so special about Fall that you can't help but love. The bright colours of the leaves as they float towards the ground, the way a bed of mist looms overtop of the school fields in the mornings, how it almost hurts when you breathe deeply from the sharp of the air. It seems short lived as the mundane of the dark mornings and darker evenings inch toward us...
But for now, I'm taking it in!
I headed to a park where I spent a good part of the evening with my dog Kai and my camera.
We go to this park quite regularly and I drive past it every day on my way home from work. For the past few week coming home, I had I see the way the light would hit all of the dandelions in the field and illuminate them with gold. I had taken so many photos of this in my mind, but none in reality.
So I dragged the dog out of the house (or he dragged me) and we went to play in the park.
I can't think of anything I love more than seeing my dog so happy. It truly makes me smile ear to ear with a side of the "warm and fuzzies".
I wasn't planning on posting any of these photos but I thought, these are really pretty and they make me smile, so maybe somebody else that reads this will smile and think so too!
This is a an artist that I came across while surfing for some fresh meat to add to my play list and I am now obsessed with: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_rzoOVhXnbI&feature=related
click on any photo to view entire album