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Thursday, 9 August 2012

Fireworks with Friends

Man am I spoiled...

Not only have we been having incredible summer weather here in Vancouver, but I have had the privilege of experiencing it under the best conditions!

Another flawless blue bird day and another day out on the water.  Amazing.
One thing that you should know about me... I LOVE the water and I LOVE boating!  Put me in a dingy on a nice day and you will have one happy camper!  Uh, I mean... sailor!

A group of us headed out in the afternoon from Coal Harbour, into some rather choppy waters.  We cruised up the Burrard Inlet, routed towards English Bay to anchor a prime spot for observing the fire in the sky show... The Celebration of Lights

If you're from Vancouver, chances are you have probably pushed your way through the crowded streets of Denman and Beach.  Or, you've tiptoed over people's blankets on the sands of English Bay, hoping to snag a seat to catch this colourful display of explosions.
I have to say that being on a boat away from the chaos, is for sure my favorite way to enjoy.

Though having experienced both, being amongst the crowd does allow for some  very "interesting" entertainment.  So whether you're hoofing it or paddling along, the Celebration of Lights is something you don't want to miss during Vancouver's summer.

I loves this song and I thought that it would acompany these photos perfectly:

Here are some photos from our boating adventure and the winning light display of team Italy...

click on any photo to view entire album