Right now many of you may be asking the question "What is TEDx?" or perhaps you have heard a bit about it here and there on Facebook or in passing conversations. Well here is how TEDx explains itself...
"Transformational ideas don't come from uncovering the answers to questions that have already been presented. They come from inventing new ones. At TEDxStanleyPark, we believe that possibilities are around the world and around the corner. On March 16th, speakers will share unthinkable stories of once undiscovered potential. They'll help us tap into our own ideas, while drawing from an amazing wealth of innovation, passion and inspiration in Vancouver, and beyond."
The seminar took place at UBC Robson Square. The day lasted from 8am to 5pm. It was full of inspirational people that shared their stories of strife and success. I feel very privileged to have been able to capture the event and take in the words of wisdom from all of the speakers.
Here are some of my photos from the day's events...
click on any photo to view entire album

The seminar took place at UBC Robson Square. The day lasted from 8am to 5pm. It was full of inspirational people that shared their stories of strife and success. I feel very privileged to have been able to capture the event and take in the words of wisdom from all of the speakers.
Here are some of my photos from the day's events...
click on any photo to view entire album

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